Denuncia Pública


We have a complaint form to report content that may infringe third party rights. Learn how it works and how to report. Remember to use this form responsibly.

Onfirex is a hosting service for user-uploaded porn videos, and we cannot manually review every video that is uploaded to the site. We make every effort to promptly remove content that violates our Terms and Conditions.


If you find uploaded material that is inappropriate, illegal, harmful or offensive, please report the content using the contact or report form. We do not tolerate videos with people under 18 years of age If you see inappropriate content and suspect that it features minors, please report it to us and we will process that report immediately.

How to report and in what cases?

If you consider that any Onfirex content may be infringing the rights of third parties, you can report it through these means:

  1. Each post has a icon (flag) that enables the reporting form.
  2. Through the Contact Form located in the footer of the site.

If you use the contact form you must specify in detail the following:
  • Exact URL where the content is located.
  • The detailed reasons on which such claim is based.

Once the complaint is received, it is analyzed by our specialized team, and the appropriate measures are taken. Some of the reasons to report content:
  • Racist content / Apology for violence
  • They infringe copyright
  • Contains images or personal information
  • Rape
  • incest
  • Drugs
  • Zoophilia
  • Pedophilia

In addition to disabling the publication, Onfirex reserves the right to apply a suspension to the channel of the user who generated the content. The user who reports is fully responsible to Onfirex and/or third parties for the abusive, unjustified, or indiscriminate exercise of the reporting procedure. Users are duly notified when content is removed from Onfirex.

How are complaints processed?

Complaints are received immediately and managed within 24/48 business hours. Our internal team reviews all complaints received daily and evaluates the criteria applied. If applicable, the content is immediately removed from the platform.

Commitment to copyright

We recognize the legitimate defense of copyright on the Internet. We adopt an efficient process called “notices and takedown” based on the North American Intellectual Property model known as DMCA, which is implemented by important companies on the Internet. Through this mechanism, we offer any owner of a work, copyright or patent a form so that they can communicate directly with Onfirex and notify content that may be infringing their right, so that it can be removed.

What is the DMCA?

DMCA (for its acronym in English Digital Millenium Copyright Act) is the United States Intellectual Property Law sanctioned in 1996 by Bill Clinton, which proposes a model for managing copyrights. copyright on the Internet. DMCA provides a legal process through which any Internet service provider can be asked to remove access to content that has been uploaded without the authorization of the person holding the copyright. At the same time, the Internet provider company must notify the owner of the website or content removed so that he can file a counterclaim if he does not agree with it.